Eco Facilities Management Services
Importance of cleaning in nursery schools

How and why to clean pools? 6 keys for its correct maintenance

How and why to clean pools

What should you know about pool cleaning? Methods of maintenance and cleaning of swimming pools Automatic cleaning method for swimming pools Methods of manual cleaning for swimming pools Pool cleaning in winter Factors that influence when cleaning a pool The sun: When the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, the water tends to become cloudy, causing PH …
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Building maintenance guide and step-by-step cleaning

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The maintenance of buildings is a concept that is often considered secondary, or even tends to be forgotten, until the deterioration of the facilities, or a certain breakdown, alerts us to the difference between having maintained a well-maintained facility and the consequences of lack of conservation, with the consequent surprise expenses, which will always be …
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Manual of cleaning of ships and factories step by step

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The ships and the factories carry out a series of production activities that are really important for the processes of a society. We can find different types of factories and ships and each of them require different cleaning and disinfection processes. In this article we will analyze what are the different processes of cleaning ships …
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The importance of choosing a good cleaning company and its advantages

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It is very common, when hiring a cleaning services company, to look first at the price, rather than those that assure us experience and professionalism, doing a job of rigor. The choice of the correct cleaning company, since poor hygiene in our work environment could lead to significant economic losses. Every company, company needs a …
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